Sunday Not-So-Fun-Day

day 82  //  florence

As soon as I woke up this morning, I had an epiphany of how I could add 500 words to my paper so I sprung up, grabbed my laptop, and finished my paper all in a span of like 15 minutes. GO ME. Aaaaand then I started on my 2 other writing assignments I had to do. And started studying for my Italian quiz on Wednesday. I can't complain though, I really haven't worried about homework or school in general for this whole trip, now all of a sudden they're squeezing it all into these last few weeks and everyone here (me included) is going, "Wait what? We actually have to do work?" Then for lunch I went to the cafe place right by my apartment with Lauren and Karley. (Okay warning we have a semi-innapropriate name for that cafe... The whole corner area that the cafe, my favorite gelato, and another restaurant are on used to be an area filled with brothels so the actual Italian name of it translates to something like "pussy" so the only way we can correctly identify the area is by calling it "pussy corner", but I'll say "P-corner" for the sake of the blog... So when you see "P-corner cafe" or "P-corner gelato" you'll know what I'm talking about. It's the one I posted photos of awhile ago.) Okay sorry about that, but it had to happen. Moving on! After lunch we got P-corner gelato of course! Then I came back to my apartment to clean and do laundry. This powder broke in my makeup bag and spilled everywhere in there and got all over all my other makeup so I also had to clean that out. Then I did some finishing touches on Paige's graduation announcements/invites before relaxed for a bit and watched some YouTube. Then I hit the hay pretty early (well earlier than usual). 
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