Blog News & Blue Grotto Video

I spent all morning studying, so naturally I needed a study break during which I decided to do some cool new stuff with the blog. 

First, I read about how I could lose everything on my blog if something happened to the host site, so I purchased the domain "" to avoid that if anything were to happen. 

The domain, "" still works, it will just automatically redirect you to the new domain. 

For now, though, if you type in "" you HAVE to include the "www." at the beginning. I'm working on fixing it so that you don't have to include that all the time, but for now we don't have a choice. 

Everything looks the same, it's just a different web address. But come on, how official is that? I feel pretty dang cool, that's for sure. 

Second, I uploaded my GoPro video from the Blue Grotto onto YouTube. I didn't edit or cut it at all, so it's nothing fancy - just straight off of my GoPro. Here it is - enjoy!! (Make sure to watch in HD so that it's great quality and not blurry or anything - If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask a nearby kid/teen.)

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