Packing Already?

day 111  //  florence

DAY ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN. Out of one hundred and fourteen. Can you believe it? I sure can't. Anywaaays (I know you love when I say that Grandpa) this morning I woke up a bit early because I was determined to finish all my last minute shopping/souvenir/anything tasks I had left. So I got up, got breakfast, and ran my errands all over Florence for a few hours. Then I came back and did some hard-core packing. (I have one whole suitcase already zipped up!) It's seriously too weird packing everything. I feel like I just unpacked yesterday. (Well technically I did, from last weekend's trip, but you know what I mean.) Then I had to run to the school to print out my final photograph project before I went to photography class and presented it. After our presentations we received our prints from our final portfolio. (We had to choose our favorite 20 pictures from the whole semester and he printed them big for us.) They are so cool! I've never had my prints printed big like that, so I was loving it. After class I went and chilled in my room for a little bit before Gusta Pizza opened at 7. At that time I went there, got a pizza, and came back and locked myself in my room for the night to get cracking on studying for my last and hardest final - Italian. I'm super nervous, but I have all morning tomorrow to study too (the test isn't until 4), so I should be okay! Wish me luck... I'll need it.

Are you kidding me with this pizza right now???

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